Home Remedies for Morning Sickness
The bad news is that most pregnant women will suffer from some degree of morning sickness. The good news, is that usually by the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy, the morning sickness ends all by itself. But three months is a long time to be sick every time you open your eyes. There are, of course, prescriptions that a doctor can write, that will help prevent of lessen morning sickness.
The problem with these prescriptions, as with all prescriptions, is that there are always some kind of side effect associated with them. Then there are all of those dire warnings on the labels, that are enough to scare a pregnant woman, into not wanting to risk taking them. There are better ways of combating morning sickness associated with pregnancy!
Remember—women have been getting pregnant since the dawn of time—and morning sickness has been around just as long. It’s really a good idea to look at the things that this long line of pregnant women have discovered as to ways to combat morning sickness.
Home Remedy #1: Keep a few crackers (whole grain, grain free and/or gluten free) by your bed. Before you raise your head off of the pillow each morning eat a few of these crackers. Even if the nausea hits, it will be a little better with something in your stomach to throw up that will have absorbed some of the bile.
No Flour cracker and flatbread cookbook: Gluten-free Soy-free Dairy-free Egg-free recipes
Home Remedy #2: Try not to let your stomach ever get completely empty through the day. Munch a few crackers (whole grain, grain free and/or gluten free) or eat a piece of fruit every couple of hours even if you aren’t hungry.
Home Remedy #3: The last meal of the day should be very high in protein.
Home Remedy #4: Try sniffing a fresh lemon peel when you feel nauseous.
Home Remedy #5: Try drinking or just inhaling the scent peppermint or mint tea.
Hold this thought: This too will pass!