Healing Your Digestive System for Better Overall Health
Did you know your digestive system could be making you sick and fat? If you have any type of health concerns or are overweight, it might be a sign that your digestive system needs attention. Problems you could be you experiencing include irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating, heartburn, or acid reflux. Bloating, diarrhea and gas among other things could also be caused by an unhealthy digestive system.
Here are some common digestive problems and the natural way to solve them.
Indigestion, Acid Reflux & Heartburn
Increased acid levels will have you suffering from heartburn, acid reflux, bloating and indigestion. Over the counter acid reducing remedies may seem like an instant fix, but they can create more long-term problems than solutions. OTC antacids can create a greater imbalance in your system and increase the risk of ulcers or pancreatic or gastric cancer.
A better way to deal with these symptoms is with natural products. Look for products that contain slippery elm, marshmallow or plantain. These herbs coat and heal the digestive tract. They can be found in capsule form at many stores.
Gas and Bloating
The first step to eliminating gas & bloating is to remove trigger foods from your diet. Foods such as baked beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, carbonated drinks, hard candies & chewing gum are common culprits.
Add a good probiotic to your diet by eating yogurt, sour cream & cottage cheese. Make sure you buy a kind that contains live, active cultures. Drink Kefir and add miso paste to soups, stews and casseroles.
Apple cider vinegar and fennel, anise or chamomile can be taken for discomfort. Ginger tea will work well for flatulence.
Dr. M’s Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health: Acid Reflux, Ulcers, Hiatal Hernia, Probiotics, Leaky Gut, Gluten-free, Gastroparesis, Constipation, … & More (Digestive Wellness) (Volume 1)
Other ways to improve your digestive health
Take care of your body by getting enough sleep, having a positive state of mind & exercising. Exercise helps tone your muscles and a positive state of mind influences how you absorb nutrients and digest your food. Do some kind of physical activity every day. Walking, playing with your dog, aerobics or even household chores like sweeping or gardening all count as a form of exercise.
Choose healthy whole foods meals! Your meals should be well balanced and proportionately sized. Don’t leave out all fat since your body needs it to slow down the intestinal tract. A wide variety of foods that includes plenty of fresh vegetables & fruits should be included in your diet. Add whole grain foods, beans & nuts that promote intestinal health. Avoid sweets & simple carbohydrates.
Eliminate food irritants. If you are sensitive to certain foods, eliminate them from your diet as much as possible. Dairy, gluten, soy & eggs are common culprits. Remove them one at a time from your diet until you figure out what is causing the irritation.
Heal and protect your stomach lining by taking omega-3, glutamine and zinc supplements daily.
Get regular medical checkups and screenings. Screenings can help find problems before you even become aware of them.
Drink at least eight ounces of water with every meal and snacks.
Reduce the number of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks you consume and stop tobacco.
Take your time eating. Savor every bite.
Avoid eating before going to bed. Try to eat at least three hours before you retire.
Your digestive system is a hard working part of your body. It converts food into energy and nourishes it so the body can build, repair or maintain itself. When it’s not at its best, you feel it in the form of heartburn, constipation or diarrhea. You’re uncomfortable. It can be a sign that simple lifestyle changes are needed to improve your digestive health!