Candida Infection Home Remedies
Candida infection is really a miserable condition. Candida is sometimes called thrush or yeast infection. The infection can occur in any moist body cavity or moist area of the body. Candida in children usually occurs in the mouth or in the diaper area.
In women, candida most often occurs in the vagina. Men who are uncircumcised are most often affected. The culprit for all candida infections is the fungi, Candida Albicans. This fungus is always present in the human body. Overgrowth is what causes the problem.
At the first sign of a candida infection, the thing to do is to clean the area with clean water. Don’t use any soap or other bath product on the area, as this could worsen the problem. Just use plain clean water. Wash the affected area and pat it dry. Areas affected with candida need to be kept as clean, cool, and dry as possible.
Candida isn’t a new disease. It’s been a human malady for many centuries and, as you would expect, there are home remedies that have been proven over that course of time to be very effective in dealing with the problem.
The gel that is found in the leaves of the aloe vera plant is very effective in treating candida. Simply split the leave open and use the gel on the areas that are infected. This will provide almost instant relief.
Applying natural yogurt to the affected area is another home remedy that really does work. The enzymes in the yogurt serve to actually neutralize the overproduction of the candida fungus.
You can purchase Melaleuca oil at your local store that sells herbs or from an alternative medicine practitioner. Applying Melaleuca oil will help to heal the candida infection.
Candida infections need to be treated, and the sooner they are treated, the more quickly they become just a bad memory. If the home remedies listed above do not work, you should, of course, see your doctor.