Herbal and Home Remedy Facts
The fact of the matter is that long before what we know as Western Medicine came into being, people have been getting sick and getting well. Before the corner drug store was ever dreamed of, there were those in every culture who knew which herbs and plants would relieve specific problems.
Way back in the misty past, these people who knew what to do about human physical problems were called shamans, witch doctors, medicine men, and by many other names in ancient cultures worldwide. Much of today’s modern medicine is based on the same principles used by these ancient healers.
Access to these ancient medicine men was limited at best, and people began to discover for themselves which herbs and plants would relieve pain and provide healing. Much of today’s modern medicine is also based on the knowledge gained by necessity.
Home remedies are a culmination of knowledge gained by experience, and the experience was gained out of necessity. Home remedies don’t just come about on a whim—they are based in fact.
Educated people will sometimes scoff at home remedies and dismiss them with a wave of the hand and the words “old wives tale,” usually spoken in a tone of disdain.
Those who are BETTER educated are now using their education to learn about the very real benefits that home remedies offer and the scientific basis for them.
You can bet your bottom dollar that every medical breakthrough has some roots in old home remedies that have been in use for centuries. Modern science finds the natural ingredients used in effective home remedies and then learns to make them in laboratories. Once they are made synthetic, the side effects appear that are not present in the use of herbs in their natural state.