Home Remedies for Colic
When a little baby has colic, he is suffering & all of those who care for him are feeling his pain. If a baby is crying incessantly for hours on end and drawing his little knees up, the best thing a parent can do is let the pediatrician determine that the baby does in fact have colic & that there’s not something more seriously wrong.
Once it has been established that the baby is crying because he has colic there are many home remedies that can and do help to relieve the little guy’s suffering and help him to sleep like a…..well….like a baby. It’s perfectly safe (though confirm with your baby’s doctor) to give a baby up to four ounces, of some herbal teas that will help him to relax & to expel the gas that is causing him so much pain.
Teas that can be given to a baby are chamomile, ginger, catnip, fennel & peppermint. Tea should not be used as a substitute for nutrition. They should always be used in addition to regular feedings.
On the Internet you can find a great many instructions for giving the baby massage. This has varying degrees of success, but it usually helps to relieve the baby to some degree.
One old home remedy that has worked for many generations of babies with colic is simply burping the baby before feeding, during feeding and after feeding to help reduce the amount of air in the baby’s tummy.
Another home remedy trick that has been used successfully over the years is using a warm water bottle against the baby’s abdomen to help relax muscles and thus expel the gas that is causing the baby’s pain. Everybody wants the baby to be pain-free so that he can sleep…including the baby!